Documentchain Support research

Looking for help, instructions and more information about the DMS Core Wallet?

Sitemap - Overview of available topics

1. Menu commands

1.1. File

Receiving Addresses (usedReceivingAddressesAction) 18.04.2019, 08:15

Open URI (openAction) 18.04.2019, 08:47

Sending Addresses (usedSendingAddressesAction) 18.04.2019, 08:15

Verify message (verifyMessageAction) 18.04.2019, 08:15

Sign message (signMessageAction) 18.04.2019, 08:19

Exit (quitAction) 18.04.2019, 08:54

Main menu File (menu-file) 29.05.2019, 06:07

Backup Wallet (backupWalletAction) 18.04.2019, 08:44

1.2. Settings

Encrypt Wallet (encryptWalletAction) 18.04.2019, 08:27

Main menu Settings (menu-settings) 18.04.2019, 08:47

Change Passphrase (changePassphraseAction) 18.04.2019, 08:44

Options (optionsAction) 18.04.2019, 08:48

Unlock Wallet (unlockWalletAction) 18.04.2019, 08:15

1.3. Tools

Open Wallet Configuration File (openConfEditorAction) 18.04.2019, 08:47

Show Automatic Backups (showBackupsAction) 18.04.2019, 08:52

Debug console (openRPCConsoleAction) 29.05.2019, 06:17

Open Masternode Configuration File (openMNConfEditorAction) 05.12.2019, 17:53

Mining (startMiningAction) 05.12.2019, 17:55

1.4. Help

Main menu Help (menu-help) 18.04.2019, 08:47

PrivateSend informationen (showPrivateSendHelpAction) 18.04.2019, 08:20

Support Website (openSupportWebsiteAction) 18.04.2019, 11:27

Command-line options (showHelpMessageAction) 18.04.2019, 08:20

About DMS Core (aboutAction) 18.04.2019, 08:44

About Qt (aboutQtAction) 29.05.2019, 06:12

1.5. Miscellaneous

Window system menu (WindowSysMenu) 18.04.2019, 08:14

Minimize window (MinimizeWindow) 18.04.2019, 08:47

Maximize window (MaximizeWindow) 18.04.2019, 08:46

() 29.05.2019, 06:11

Tools (menu-tools) 18.04.2019, 08:47

2. Push buttons

Open (pushButtonOpenFile) 18.04.2019, 08:50

Remove this entry (deleteButton) 18.04.2019, 08:43

Revision (pushButtonRevision) 05.12.2019, 17:54

Documents list (listViewDocuments) 18.04.2019, 08:42

Send (sendButton) 18.04.2019, 08:22

Add Recipient (addButton) 30.04.2019, 06:41

Clear All (clearButton) 18.04.2019, 08:43

Start alias (startButton) 05.12.2019, 17:55

Paste the address from clipboard (pasteButton) 18.04.2019, 08:54

Start MISSING (startMissingButton) 18.04.2019, 08:19

Update status (UpdateButton) 18.04.2019, 08:15

Start all (startAllButton) 18.04.2019, 08:20

Choose previously used address (addressBookButton) 18.04.2019, 08:29

Shpw Info (QRButton) 18.04.2019, 08:21

Export (TransactionTableExport) 22.04.2019, 18:00

Add File (pushButtonAddFile) 05.12.2019, 17:54

Audit result (textBrowserRevision) 18.04.2019, 08:17

Inputs (pushButtonCoinControl) 18.04.2019, 08:50

3. Controls

Unconfirmed (labelUnconfirmed) 18.04.2019, 08:29

Hierarchical Deterministic Wallet (labelWalletHDStatusIcon) 29.05.2019, 06:15

Transaction Fee (frameFee) 18.04.2019, 08:23

Pay To (payTo) 18.04.2019, 08:49

InstantSend (checkUseInstantSend) 18.04.2019, 08:45

Total (labelTotal) 18.04.2019, 08:28

Peers (labelConnectionsIcon) 18.04.2019, 08:25

List of recent transactions (listTransactions) 18.04.2019, 08:42

All Masternodes (tabAllMasternodes) 18.04.2019, 08:18

Filter transaction list (TransactionTableFilter) 18.04.2019, 08:17

Subtract fee from amount (checkboxSubtractFeeFromAmount) 18.04.2019, 08:45

My Masternodes (tabMyMasternodes) 05.12.2019, 17:56

Mining status (labelMiningIcon) 05.12.2019, 17:52

Synchronization status of the blockchain (labelBlocksIcon) 18.04.2019, 08:24

Custom change address (lineEditCoinControlChange) 18.04.2019, 08:32

Encryption and lock status of the wallet (labelWalletEncryptionIcon) 18.04.2019, 08:31

Request payment (ReceiveCoinsDialog) 18.04.2019, 15:45

Transaction list (TransactionTableModel) 22.04.2019, 17:59

Amount (payAmount) 18.04.2019, 08:49

Available (labelBalance) 18.04.2019, 08:24

Request payments history (recentRequestsView) 18.04.2019, 08:52

Label (addAsLabel) 18.04.2019, 08:44

PrivateSend (checkUsePrivateSend) 18.04.2019, 08:45

"DMS" Coin unit (unitDisplayControl) 18.04.2019, 08:16

PrivateSend (framePrivateSend) 02.06.2019, 09:13

Masternode list (tableWidgetMasternodes) 18.04.2019, 08:19

4. Tab pages

Send (sendCoinsAction) 18.04.2019, 08:22

Transactions (historyAction) 18.04.2019, 08:24

Masternodes (masternodeAction) 05.12.2019, 17:53

Documents (documentAction) 05.12.2019, 17:18

Receive (receiveCoinsAction) 10.05.2019, 08:31

Overview (overviewAction) 05.12.2019, 17:53